While looking back at some old content on one of my websites, an idea began to form about old content on Hive. So I randomly selected seven years ago.

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Surprisingly, in my top search results, I found one of my all-time favourite topics - Mysterious Fibonacci Numbers - what they are and what they do.
Sadly, the author is no longer active. Though I guess that's unsurprising given Hive's history. Anyway, more on that later. First, I want to share some of my own experiences with Fibonacci Numbers.
My Best Fibonacci Project
I can't remember when my fascination with Fibonacci began. But it's fair to say that if I ever have to apportion anything that is not an equal share, my mind always turns to the Golden Ratio first.
A simple example could be a couple of jobs that I need to finish in three weeks. But one is more important than the other. So that's easy for me. Because I automatically realize that 21 days is a Fibonacci sequence number. So I would spend 13 days on one job. Leaving 8 days for the other. Unapologetically nerdy!
In a different vein, I usually present images on webpages sized 610x377. I just can't help it.
But the project I remember most was a garden I designed about 20 years ago. Where I adopted the spiral that is so familiar to us Fibonacci freaks. With lawns, flower beds and even a hedge shaped according to Fibonacci. I was particularly proud of the raised flower beds. Where I applied the golden ratio to the height as well as the shape.
Unfortunately, I don't have any photographs of my garden. But the lily flower below is similar to the shape of the flower beds I created.
Source: aalmeidah at pixabay Calla Lily copyright-free.
My Historic Hive Series
I've realized that I should look for more recent content as I continue my series. So my next offering will be from two years ago. Clearly, the subjects of my review are outside the time limit for rewards. So I intend to make the author a beneficiary of my post.
Since @krishtopa is no longer active, I will adopt @stemsocial as beneficiary (38%, of course). I feel that the StemSocial community is the most appropriate place for Fibonacci.
*Hive History Search Image
I use my screenshot of my Google search under the "fair use" provisions of the appropriate laws. You'll have to consult a lawyer for further explanation, as I have no legal training. However, I've checked with Google, and they say it's perfectly OK to use screenshots of their search results as long as I tag their image with "Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC." Which I'm perfectly happy to do.
Read more at Keith Taylor's Web3 Blog.
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