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Keith Taylor

UK Mothers Day: March 20 2023

For my first day as an Actifitter, I joined my daughter and her mother (an ex-wife), for Mothers Day celebrations.

So my day started with a walk across the Aire Valley, north of Bradford. Crossing from my current home (marked approximately with the red arrow) to my birthplace. In fact, for a good part of my life 50 to 60 years ago, I played around the valley cliff in the foreground. Made especially interesting with old Yorkshire stone quarry workings.

The climb to my photo spot was much easier back then. But on the plus side, it's a great start to my Actifit adventures.

In the future, I must remember to take lots of photos to choose from. Because I'm not thrilled with today's choice. As it seems too urban compared to my walk. Which is really quite natural for much of the way. Including crossing the River Aire, Leeds-Liverpool Canal, and various woods and parks.

Thanks for taking an interest in my Actifit journeys. If you have any suggestions for how to improve my posts, especially how to assign useful tags, please let me know.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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UK Mothers Day: March 20 2023 was published on and last updated on 20 Mar 2023.