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Keith Taylor

Walking & Playing With sMiles

I know chess isn't a game renowned for high activity levels. But I mentioned it last time as a feature of sMiles. Which is an app that rewards daily steps. And I run it at the same time as Actifit. You can challenge other sMiles users to a game of chess. But I prefer the short puzzles. Now I know I'll never get rich from this. Because each successful chess puzzle solved wins you 1 satoshi. Which drops to zero after a few wins. Going back to 1 the following day.

For me, this is enough to relax for a few minutes. So it isn't mainstream play2earn. But it's a pleasant distraction as part of my walk2earn collection.

You can get sMiles by searching Google Play Store. Or help me a little by using my referral code KeithTaylor546, or my link: #ShowMyURL

Do you run any apps alongside Actifit?
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking

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Walking & Playing With sMiles was published on and last updated on 15 Jul 2023.