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Keith Taylor

Sound Guy In Saltaire

For the UK public holiday yesterday (Summer Bank Holiday), I spent some time helping my friend test his new video equipment. Because his camera and lenses are heavy enough. But with all the extra equipment for sound and motion, he needed an extra pair of hands.

Roberts Park, Saltaire, Yorkshire

Roberts Park in Saltaire is a popular spot during weekends and public holidays. So my first photo shows Eddie setting up near the bandstand with ceremonial canons.

Roberts Park Bandstand

Eddie is the photographer and videographer behind

Salts Mill & Boathouse Inn

I can just about remember rowing boats on the river. But I was quite young when the boathouse was abandoned. It remained closed for many years until it reopened as a café. Later, the owners got a licence for drinks with meals. Eventually, they added a public bar.

Salts Mill & Boathouse Inn At the time, there were severe restrictions on selling alcohol within the bounds of the historic Saltaire village. But I don't know if this was a legal restriction. Or because when built, Sir Titus Salt owned all the properties. In any case, the bar was a welcome addition to social life in Saltaire.

Salts Mill Weir, River Aire

There are many weirs on the River Aire. Currently, fish routes are being added to them. In an effort to bring salmon back to the relevant parts of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

River Aire's Salts Mill Weir

This weir was built to power the Saltaire woollen mill around which the village was built. Now a World Heritage site.

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Sound Guy In Saltaire was published on and last updated on 20 Jul 2024.