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Keith Taylor

Making Tracks

A short post today as I didn't take any photos. Except for... I was helping my daughter in her garden when I spotted this monster. So I quickly made tracks to the other side of the house where the kids were playing.

Though I had never seen anything like that caterpillar, my grandson's seven years old friend told me, "My Grandad breeds them and he has loads!"

Well, it's definitely a first for me.

Caterpillar Jokes

As it's a short post, I'll fill in with some caterpillar jokes. Just to keep things on track.

What do you call 5 cats sitting on top of each other? A caterpillar

What are caterpillars afraid of? Doggerpillars

What does a chatty caterpillar become? A social butterfly

Making Tracks

Anyway, I left the kids and returned to help in the garden. So I went to inspect the tomatoes for caterpillar tracks. When I got run over by a tank...

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Gardening, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking, Yard Work

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Making Tracks was published on and last updated on 02 Sep 2023.