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Keith Taylor

I Don't Understand CTPX 1/

Here's my first in a series of trying to learn more about how CTPX works. Starting with trying to understand CTPX reviews compared to Hive comments

CTPX Reviews

I think it's great that CTPX provides a feature that allows us to give feedback to content providers. Because most of the sites are Web2. With no obvious means of talking to the publisher.

Also, I'm guessing that it encourages CTPXers to actually read the articles as opposed to blindly clicking for more chances at that hourly $CTP prize. But that's a question for a later article when I try to understand the CTPX ranking system.

Hive Comments

First, Terrence (@globalcontac), I hope you don't mind me sharing your review. But I don't understand, why comment in CTPX when you can share your thoughts with the Hive community in a Threads reply?

Yes depression is known to negatively cause a weak immune response which will bring about unhealthy eating habits and more which may lead to diabetes.

Now, that's a great response. For which I thank you. But wouldn't it be better to reply on Hive? That way, you get more Hive content and associated rewards.

Please don't think I'm picking on you, Terrence. But we had this conversation privately 3 months ago. And many other people leave private CTPX comments. So now I'm hoping some CTPX experts will share their knowledge.

Let's all learn before we earn (props FJ @fjworld ). So can any seasoned CTPXers tell me: Why leave a private review on Hive posts in CTPX, rather than making a public reply?

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I Don't Understand CTPX 1/ was published on and last updated on 11 Jul 2024.