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Keith Taylor

My Grandson won't Deliver Newspapers

CTPX In Action.pngThis post is about the joys and potential of CTPX. But first, a little about me.

Keith Taylor & CTPX

I haven't finished started my Introduction Post yet. In fact, I hope to complete it today and post just as soon as Resource Credits allow. In the meantime, you can see some of what interests me from articles that I've reblogged so far.

Currently, my biggest interest on Hive is CTPX. Because I can see how useful it is now. And what amazing potential it has for introducing Web3 to Web2 diehards like me.

So I took some time on Saturday to test how CTPX works in practice. With extremely encouraging results.

CTPX is Easy to Use

Firstly, it's very easy to use. Though, the mobile interface needs some tweaking. Normally, I use my desktop for work. But CTPX is one of those services that's ideal for quiet moments away from the main screen. Anyway, that is something I can report later. Because I want to report my initial experiences today.

Good CTPX Content

The latest Crypto Maniacs Podcast mentioned how CTPX was an interesting content-discovery platform. But the cynic in me expected the low quality I've seen in other traffic generating projects.

Now, I'm not saying that every page is perfect. But it's easy to click past repetitive, low-interest pages. And you're soon rewarded with some gems. For example, I found a fellow newbie to converse with and hopefully develop meaningful exchanges in the future.

More importantly, I was blown away by seeing Threads through the CTPX lens. Especially as repeated viewings are usually different each time as the author tweets more (what else should I call it?)

Friendly CTPX Community

As I haven't published any Hive content, I tested CTPX with some of my Web2 content. Also, trying some affiliate links. Later, I noticed some comments on my dashboard. Wishing I checked them sooner. Because a couple of CTP Swarm members pointed out some bad links. So I quickly disabled them.

I also got some good advice about being more personal with affiliate links. As well as a compliment on some of my content.

So all-in-all, I enjoyed a pleasant first day with CTPX. Enough to prompt me to rise at 5am today to write this and do some more CTPXing. But what, I hear you ask, does this have to do with my grandson not delivering newspapers?

First Work Experience

My first work experience was as a newspaper delivery boy. At the time, it was a healthy, profitable introduction to the world of work. Giving me a source of pocket money. But more importantly, I was out meeting people. Leading to other jobs such as shopping, gardening, and babysitting. So by the age of 14 I could completely self-fund my beer and cigs. OK, it was music, but who will believe how much we used to have to pay?

Today, there are few newspapers and even fewer delivery jobs. Though, I guess there are leaflet delivery opportunities for youngsters. But now, there is (or should be) CTPX clicking. All I need to do is train my grandson to create a list of links that might interest me. Then pay him to do the donkey work.

In time, he:

  • Learns new topics
  • Sees other opportunities
  • Promotes my revenue-generating content

Eventually, he might outgrow the task. So then I might encourage him to develop a team of friends to do the work. While he learns transferable supervisory skills with higher earnings.

Fortunately, I've got a few years to develop the details of this scheme. But I can definitely see it as something that can easily work today.

I'm excited by the opportunities for work that are inherent within Web3 generally. And CTPX specifically. So I'm making it a priority to do "Hive first" posting from today.

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My Grandson won't Deliver Newspapers was published on and last updated on 11 Jul 2024.