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Keith Taylor

Prodigal Or Shrewd?

Earlier today, I thought of revisiting a place that I hadn't made time for recently. Then, I got it into my head that prodigal meant something like "returning". Though in the back of my mind, I knew that was not the case.

So I looked it up, finding the Cambridge Dictionary gives the meaning of prodigal as:

someone who spends or uses large amounts of money, time, energy, etc., especially in a way that is not very wise.

Similarly, Collins gives the prodigal definition of:

Someone who behaves in a prodigal way spends a lot of money carelessly without thinking about what will happen when they have none left.

How could I forget? They're describing me!πŸ˜†

Which reminds me of yesterday's prodigal act that seems more like a shrewd investment today. But before that, we need a picture to decorate the page.

Prodigal Grandfather AI Failure

Prodigal Grandfather

Anyone who views my websites knows that my artistic skills are limited. So the new raft of AI "art" generators are a blessing to me. Though I wouldn't call it art at the level I use it. But it serves me well to brighten my articles.

Since my story includes my common theme of the grandkids, I thought I'd keep my request simple and ask for a prodigal grandfather illustration. But that prompt only got me boring, mournful, biblical-style crap. So I asked again for something like grandfather being literally prodigal. Now, I forget my exact prompt. But the results were not much better. So, I turned to Merriam-Webster's thesaurus for prodigal and arrived at my prompt for the Canva image above: profligate, generous, extravagant, spendthrift, unthrifty, high-rolling, liberal grandfather

It's still pretty crap as a Prodigal Grandfather illustration. Because I believe that the subject demands some grandchildren. But rather than re-prompt, I chose this from the four pictures offered by Canva. Mostly because it looks how I think I look after I've stayed out for a couple of drinks more than I should have! 😜😱

But let's get back to the story…

Prodigal or Wise?

The last time I saw my grandsons, they showed me their christmas present lists that they were working on. So it reminded me to set my budget and make sure the funds were available for some shopping.

Despite being prodigal, and loving spending, I don't care much for shopping. Though, christmas is actually one of the rare times that I enjoy shopping. But that could be because I always manage to sneak in something for myself. So I couldn't resist bringing my December self-benefaction forward when I saw the introductory offer deadline from @hive-lu.

Before I could change my mind, I sneaked into my gift fund, withdrew Β£25, and spent most of it on the Lu token ( #lucoin ). So I was happy to see the daily Lucoin report this morning. Because I surpassed my 2023 goal of getting into the top 7 Lu token holders. By achieving third place! What an #acHIVEment! πŸ₯‰πŸ˜€

"But how might that be wise?", you ask.

Well, I log my Hive and Hive token values each day. So I got a pleasant surprise from my growth yesterday. Because my Hive token value, even at a conservative valuation, has risen by $60 (USD). Now, that Β£25 was worth $30. So I'm happy to see a 100% profit! πŸ’΅πŸ€‘

OK, I know it's not a realized profit. But my primary purpose is to boost my daily Hive rewards from @hive-lu. Which seems like a wise move to me.

Am I Prodigal or Shrewd?

What do you think? Would that Β£25 have been better spent on my usual clothes or tech treats? Or more established tokens like LEO, CTP, or WAIV?

Am I prodigal or shrewd?

Read more at Keith Taylor's Web3 Blog.

About This Post

Please ignore these notes, which are a test for a project that I'm working on.

Keith Taylor's latest project is in the alpha phase of development and testing. Later, I'll describe it fully.

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About is Keith Taylor's personal blog for Web3. Which I am developing to replace Keith Taylor's Web2 Blog.

In my Web3 blog, I write about my personal interests. More importantly, I reblog posts from other Hive users that I find interesting. So my blog tells you all about me and the subjects that I'm interested in. Status

You have found this early development version of Shrewdies3. Which I am currently working on prior to launching it. So I haven't documented how to use it yet. But I'm now using the pre-launch version of to refine features and provide documentation.

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Prodigal Or Shrewd? was published on and last updated on 11 Jul 2024.